7. 今年秋季,我院成功地举办了中加两国作家交流会,邀请中加两国著名作家和评论家做中国文学方面的讲座,此次交流会为在文学艺术领域促进中加两国人民之间的了解做出了贡献。
Organizing the “Chinese and Canadian Writers Symposium” which brought together top writers and literary critics from both countries to exchange ideas on a highly professional and academic level. Great ideas evolved from this meeting for further cooperation and exchanges in this field.
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Chinese and Canadian Writers Symposium
联系方式 Contact Information
Website: http://www.renison.uwaterloo.ca/CI
Address: Confucius Institute
Renison University College,
University of Waterloo
240 Westmount Rd. North
Waterloo, Ontario Canada, N2L 3G4
Contact: Prof. Yan Li
Tel: (519) 884-4404 ext. 28648
Fax: (519) 884-5135
Email: yanli@uwaterloo.ca