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—— Confucius Institute at the University of Waterloo, Canada

CCTV.com  2008年12月12日 17:57  进入复兴论坛  来源:  

文化及其他活动 Cultural and Other Activities


    In 2008, beside the Institute’s usual participation in traditional Chinese festival events, it has successfully organized the following special events:

1. 针对四川地震发起的赈灾捐款活动及关心灾区的征文活动。

Fundraising to help with the relief of Sichuan earthquakes and sponsoring the Chinese Essay Contests to promote the idea of caring and sharing among the students;

2. 我们成功地发起组织了本地区华侨人士对孔子学院的赞助活动,这一活动得到了热烈响应,共募集到16项奖学金,奖学金以体现孔子思想精髓的词语命名。

Launching the Overseas Chinese Leadership Scholarships, which attracted 16 scholarships named after various aspects of Confucius’ teaching and donated by established local Chinese-Canadians;

3. 与来自加拿大五所不同大学的代表会谈,介绍我院的办学经验;

Receiving five different delegations from Canadian universities interested in learning about the experiences of the Confucius Institute at the University of Waterloo;

4. 组织年度东亚节活动以及加拿大亚洲研究学会会议中的文艺演出;

Assisting the East Asian Festival and Canadian Asian Studies Association in the organization of their annual events by arranging for Chinese artistic performances;


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